Thursday, October 29, 2015

Work Hard, Live Hard

I like this a lot because it says, "Boys seem to like the girls who laugh at anything."

I laugh at things that are funny. I will not laugh at your joke if it's fucking stupid.
NO NO NO. I work to damn hard for you to not care how hard I work...

I now officially a wrestling coach for middle school girls.
I want to show girls, work hard, play hard, live hard, fight hard- and you're still a woman.

Men have worked so hard at making girls feel dumb and I'm going to help raise a generation that doesn't laugh at boys stupid jokes but just at stupid boys.

In the words of Rowdy, "Don't be a DNB."

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Moon Flow

 If you didn't know, now you know...

I'm obsessed with crystals, the m00n, chakras, the universes natural energies.

<a href="" target="ejejcsingle">Click here to view more details</a><a href="" target="ejejcsingle">Click here to view more details</a>I think there is a lot to learn on the subject and the more I learn the more I realize there is still more information out there.

I found this really great website,, that has tons of different resources to find out more about all this stuff.

I particularly am looking to further my knowledge in chakras. If you are too I invite you to check out this below:

<a href="" target="ejejcsingle">Click here to view more details</a> 

There are lots of courses to choose from to find your inner goddess and moon priestess. 

If you want to get more intune with crystals check out:
<a href="" target="ejejcsingle">Click here to view more details</a>