Friday, December 23, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Despite the lack of snow, it's two days away from christmas... WHAT!?

So ~Besides cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels~ these are a few of my favorite things, right now/ my 2011 christmas list:

Numreo Uno
The iphone, obviously. The fact that I don't have it yet is killing me on a regular basis and needs to change asap. White, black, 3g, 4s, I don't give a fuck, just gimme NOW.
But white please, thanks.

2) hard drive because if my itunes library ever goes, LIKE IT DID LAST WEEK, I'm going to literally murder someone.
This popsicle one is freakin adorable. I want. 


Number FOUR is also books 

To follow up on that photo...
5 ombre hair. 
o wait I got that!
Thanks to my darling sorority Big Sister @alishadurgin
I have found a new hair style. No good picsies yet but stay tuned

Honestly there's not much else I want this holiday!

Really, I got everything that I had wanted, already. 
I'm home chillin with my family, relaxing from work for a few days. Soon I will be off back to Burlington to continue work and celebrate the new year. 
What I really wanted for Christmas was to come home and see my family. And I got too!

The only other thing I could possibly think of is this:
If you think I hate you, fuck off for the holidays. Thanks!

Merry Christmas to all and to all: have a drink for me this season!
Check out this Egg Nog martini recipe from CakeStyle!

Combine 2 ½ ounces of eggnog with 1 ounce of Van Gogh vanilla vodka and ¾ ounces of Amaretto in a shaker and shake over ice.
Strain this into a chilled martini glass and dust with freshly grated nutmeg or cinnamon.

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