Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

I've wanted to sit down and think for one second
but nothing comes out.
I think I want to go home. But like, actually though.

Fuck everything.
I'm so stressed out. I have too much shit to do, when I could go home and take a break.
I need a massage, a pedicure, and my horoscope.

Im exhausted. and sick. and tired.
but I slept all day.

Someone tell me what to do with my life? Today I cried to mary about life. and how much i miss alli.

I look really pretty when I smile though.

agh. Last night I had a blast. too much fun...
but I'm going to die this year and so are you and the rest of the world.
Acutally probs not, but atleast we will survive.

I can't even move. and I want to talk to everybody and I cant read my text messages so I don't know what the fuck is going on with my life.

I feel like im in a state of panic always, but isn't everyone else too?

I said fuck you to my dad several times yesterday. Sorry.
I'm just really depressed because it's fucking winter one day, and I'm biking in shorts the next day.
Ok, maybe I just shouldn't be doing that...

Friday, after the disappointing showing of The Vow, and after I left a party because I felt like shit, I almost started crying. I was walking around btown not even drunk, watching all the drunk assholes, I fucking miss my friends. Ugh I couldn't even call any of them because all the lines are DEAD.


Where are all of you? lol


Ugh, But I hope all your journeys in life, where ever you may be my friends, that your loving every minute of it. That, or your learning lots.
Love you all.
Aand I only got to see kaitlin for like five minutes. Hey look! atleast stump is back.

Talk about missing friends. Wah. Tockwogh I miss you.

Ugh and then they'll all go abroad. Wah. 

I think the world should really just go away. Because I have my period. and it's fucking Valentine's Day.

I just can't wait to see who comes in for cupcakes today.

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