Monday, February 27, 2012


Pay attention ladies and gentlemen:

Now, I've that had my rants on the doods,
I gotta talk about the bitches.

Obviously, I- Gab/yab/whatever, have run into my fair share of bitches.

 I have my bitches -that I love to death, and would defend to the end. And sometimes you fight with your bitches, but that's different.

I'm referring to:
those bitches.

We're not talking about betches either. I'm talking straight bullshit through, and through.

I've said it once, and I will say it again- I am not a bitch. I am The Bitch.
So please, watch the fuck out.

Some of us grow up.
And some of us don't.
Those of you who don't...
Please stay out of my life. I don't have time.

And do not sit there and put on the innocent act.
Ya, like your not trying to stir up trouble... #please.

If you don't have something nice to say don't say it, at all.

Don't act like you like me, when you don't.
Fuck off.

It's like... 

I got 99 problems, But a bitch ain't. One.

So missy, are we cool? Yes.
Now shut the fuck up. And let's not have this happen again.
Ok? k.

O also Rihanna... seriously?

Drop Chris quicker than his rap game. Cause he aint got none. Or decency. 
Fuck that. 
If you don't? F.Y.I.-your career is dunzo. 

And the duet... um vulgar. Too much. Ew. 
Your suppose to be hating him. Get back to it. 

o and nice cake.