Wednesday, March 7, 2012

That Guy.

Every girl, has had that guy(s), that has made their life hell, in one way or another.

Including me.

It wasn't even like their goal was to make my life hell, but to make their life better through forcing me to go through hell...
Always happy to help. 

And for a long time, I've tried to act like I'm not one of those stupid girls.

"No, I haven't texted them," "no I haven't called him, ok maybe... but only cause he said sorry," or yadayadayada.

And the funny thing is- I'm really not one of those girls. Really. 

But I do put up with this bullshit. All the time.

And the guy who's the worst for me?
My dad.

Sweet right? #daddyissue

I feel bad talking about my personal, personal, life on the internet,
but quite frankly I don't give a damn.

I've been on a huge journey this from last year to this year.
From having to leave a college that I truly loved, to being cut off from my mother and only talking to my father, having my heart broken- in more ways than one, coming to terms with the fact that I'm bipolar, starting a blog, paying for everything ALL BY MYSELF (no mommy and daddy are not helping), being spiritually awaken (whatever that means), making and losing friends,


Truth though:
All of this has made me the person I am today. And I feel better than I have in a very, very long time.

Everyone has there issues. Not having issues, at this point, is an issue.
Some of us work through our problems to move on.
Some people just move on.
And some people pretend to work through their problems but actually just pin point the finger at everyone else and call it a day.

From now on in every aspect of everyday of my life, I am no longer letting anyone, take advantage of me.
you could have caught that. 

So yes, fuck you if you don't, or won't take the time to, get me.

I don't make excuses for people. I judge people based on what I see.
A big quality I feel I have is understanding. I understand that men are stupider than women, I get that.
That is not an excuse for acting like a small child. 

Grow up, or please just get out of my life. 
That one ^, is to all of you.

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