Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello yabbers!
It's been awhile...
like a month actually, almost. 
Of sobriety. And clarity. 
for .... 

I always try to fix what’s around me
Everything- people, places and things. 

But I’m at this point in my life, finally, when things are about me. 
Not you, the reader. 

I love where I’m at right now, emotionally. 
I think I've been trying to get back to my roots for a long time. 
To be the happy me, I was born to be. 

At this point in my life... 
things are O dot K dot. 
And, for me, that’s a good thing. Infact, it's more than a good thing. 
It’s a great thing.  

is this really cool new book I just started reading...
along with Chelsea handler's and Lauren Conrad's...

For anyone who cares, and dares, enough to continue reading this, 
Don't worry about me right now.

Light’s have guided me home. 
and for now... that's good. 

Honestly, I never thought I would live at home again. Ever. But ever after... Is only in story books.
This ain’t no story book, and it’s no picnic either.
This is my life, and I am finished letting other people tell me what is wrong with me, and my life. 
I am:
Healthy, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and on my way to be happy once more. 
But I am #sorrythatimnotsorry that I will not be drinking. 
I have fun when I drink coffee, and tea.

Don’t believe me?
Well then, we shall just have to wait and see, won’t we?

I feel grounded for the first time in a long time. And I'm a lovin it. 
I really am. 
that one goes to all my rave fairies and princesses.


  1. I am glad to see you are doing well! I miss you at the shop!

  2. omg kelllyyy miss you so much
    and wish I could have been there for your bday!!
    hope it was MAD fun!!
