Monday, May 14, 2012


I think Letters have a gravity that goes beyond most of the communication used in this day and age.


Like, ya kna, hand written letters.

I find myself writing a lot of letters lately.
Some of them are for me, to me. Some are for you. 

Knowing when to send these are difficult.

And send off itself is questionable. 

If I'm mad at you, should I...
rip it up, burn it, or send it?

How much can a letter hurt someone?

If I love you I should send it. Or should I?

Why not?

There is a real power in letters, that we can't feel in the rest of today's communications.

Should I hand you a letter I hand wrote? Or should I mail you the typed up version?

And If I do send you said letter, will you even care? Does it matter?

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

For me the hardest part of a letter is getting it out, 
Of me. On to paper, for you.

I could type up a letter in five minutes.
But that just wouldn't be the same, now would it?

x0x0 G.



  1. Reminds me of the difference between reading a book and reading an ebook. Well done, Ms. Koala.
