Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Forever is an Awfully long time...

When I start to think about my life, I get overwhelmed.
One step at a time is key but that's not always at the forefront.

I think about drinking more than I wish I did on a daily basis.
Thinking that I'll never drink again is a really difficult concept for me.

It's not just the consuming alcohol I'm thinking about, it's the past, present and future.
I use to drink and make friends. Now, I don't drink and I haven't made many friends recently.

I still feel I'm in limbo land right now, and I'm digging my way out to new ground.

I don't always identify as an alcoholic, sometimes yes, but not always. I more see myself as having a medical condition that limits me and doesn't allow me to do everything I'd like.

I guess the key is what they all say.
One step at a time.

Next step?
See you this weekend my burly friends. :D

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