Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Halloween

Well Halloween 2012 is over. Or is it?

Sandy did more then just devastate this past week, it ruined a holiday.
This is just too much too handel.

I'm sure all you party animals did it up last weekend, as it was halloweekend. But even that is confusing as Halloween is on a Wednesday... so do you celebrate the weekend before or after? End of October or beginning of November? Or the entire week?

But for the kids, this halloween did not seem so fabulous, or so it seems. Honestly it's just all very confusing and I think I'm just going to turn into casually just turn into a fairy HALLOYEAR. 
ok no, but anyway...
As I am not in #btv and I have no #phl social life, I went over to my younger cousins house to celebrate my favorite holiday with them. Turns out... no.

HALLOWEEN WAS POSTPONED. At least in Radnor township, and certainly in parts of New York and New Jersey.
Only Jack Skellington has the power to change Halloween.

In all seriousness though, my thoughts and prayers go out to those that have been affected by Sandy, in more aspects than just their Halloween.
I didn't have power for three days and there was barely any damage around my area. My dear friend @reetzthepeetz still has no power.
The damage that has been done to New Jersey and New York is going to take a long time to rebuild, and some parts, like the beloved boardwalks, will never be the same.

1 comment:

  1. The first picture is not from Sandy, it is fake.
