Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Miracle of Life.

I am baby obsessed. 


Mid way through my freshman year of college I called my mom and said, "Mom, I just really want a baby." Point blank. Naturally she freaked out. What mother wouldn't freak out when their 19 year old daughter said something like that.

I had to explain myself.

Babysitting (like my mother suggested) was no longer filling my needs. I wanted something that was all mine, something that I wrote the owner's manual for. No one would be able to take something like a baby away from me (I mean besides child services...)
Now, cool your jets, I wasn't going to go ahead and act on this instinct. I wasn't like being insane and trying to get pregnant. The thought of babies were just constantly on my mind and they seemed to be everywhere. Mothers taunting me with their beautiful infants with cute rosy cheeks that I couldn't pinch because they didn't belong to me. I just really wanted one.

My mom said to me, "you have to wait til it's fair to you and the child tohave one. It would be extremely selfish to have a kid right now" So very true Mary Beth.

These days I don't so much want to care for and have my own child. However, I o so badly want to grow a baby inside my stomach. I constantly think about it. Like what the fuck does that feel like. And eating for two? Yup I could do that.

One of my old bosses in cupcake land absolutely hated babies. She said they were parasites. I disagree. I mean I guess fetuses sorta are like parasites. They feed of you and live inside of you but at the end of it all... YOU HAVE A CHILD. I just can't even fathom what the feeling of something being formed inside of you could possible feel like.

I was talking to a girl from my work about this today and she totally agreed wanting to grow a baby. "It's totally cliche but birth really is a miracle!" So true. SO TRUE. LIKE A PERSON COMES OUT OF YOUR VAGINA FROM BASICALLY NOTHING
(insert crowning photo) (no I won't)

I can't even remember to flush the toilet after I use it let alone change a diaper right now. No no, it is not the time for a baby.

It is crazy to think that a baby really isn't that far away. MY BIOLOGICAL CLOCK'S A TICKING.
As much as I want a babe and am fascinated by the idea of pregnancy, I'm not rushing it.

This is the last couple of years of my life I can be really selfish and I'm loving it. Plus I'm building a mom my children will be able to admire and respect.

When the time comes... I will be ready.

My kids will be cooler than yours.

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