Thursday, August 8, 2013

O Hot Dayum

My poor little blog. I have been neglecting you so much this summer. I apologize for not being as yabby as I should be and not updating you constantly, little blog. I love you very much and always will.

In actuality I have been writing a lot and formulating ideas for posts, I just haven't been publishing anything. I haven't felt tres inspiration from many things lately, well as much as I have in the past.
so busy.

I also have been working on my irl life, versus internet life.
I've been reading lots, going to group and working on therapy, working the steps with my sponsor, making new friends, trying to get a job and moving.

Let me go into depth a little more with all that.

So ya'll know, if you read this, that I do a lot of therapy. This summer I've been doing group therapy that I really enjoy and find very helpful in the continuation of my sobriety as well as growth and development. Also I've made some friends.
I also have actually had friends this summer because my old friends are finally home. YAY FRIENDS.

So I lost my job. I lost my job. I LOST MY JOB. I don't think it's something to really dwell on. I'm trying to learn from the experience and move forward. I have been babysitting a lot this summer but I need a more consistent job, and I'm pretty sure I've found one.

I interview at a salon, for a receptionist position, last Saturday, had a second interview monday and I'm observing the front desk tomorrow. SO I GOT IT. YA GIRL. WOO. ~pep talk~

The salon is closer to my Dads, and I've been having trouble living with my Mom, so I'm trying out living at my Dad's. Which has been a process. I rearranged my room and had to move stuff over here and I'm not done yet. But hopefully this is good.


I'm working on some think pieces for FuckYab, so stay tuned.

And remember, if you're feeling flightly... just try to stay...


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