Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Falling For Fall

Fall was not always my favorite season. It use to be summer, what child doesn't live for the care free days the heat brings.

Summer is a lazy time, it's hot and sticky. I use to love lazing about doing nothing and looking hot (pun intended). Somewhere along the way my thinking has changed. I've gone from Babuh, to young women.

Now, I am a mature adult. ...Or at least on my way, this season of change is really becoming on me.

Change is not always easy, but without going out of your comfort zone you do not grow.

Autumn is the season of change. I guess you could say that about every season because every spring, summer, fall and winter the weather and landscape changes in some aspect. However, when I think of change I think of fall.

A lot of things in my life have taken a turn for the better. My therapist said today that I am "killing it in life". That felt good.
I am a full time person in life. I work part time, I'm a student part time, I babysit whenever I can, and I still maintain my sobriety.

A lot of things have changed for me particularly these past six months, but drastically this season. I am still working hard on keeping everything together, things are not smooth by any means but everyday things seem to get a little easier, or there is a curve ball thrown my way...

I now like doing things that change my life. Before change really freaked me out and scared me. Recently I have been saying yes to a lot of things and I like the changes that have occurred.

Although fall is closer to the end of the year it always seems like the beginning of new things to me. School starts, summer ends, things get serious. It's an interesting time. Everyday is a good day to seize the day, but fall is good for figuring things out, getting adjusted and making changes

Let me list the reasons I love fall now:

I love the smells in the air. Wether it's just the weather or burning leaves, I love it

I love that colors that are everywhere.

Apples, Pumpkins, Gourds

Sweater Weather
for girls....
and boys. 

Floppy wool Hats

Firepits and blankets

Corn mazes and hay rides

Fall Fashion


and beautiful folliage trips to Burlington, VT.

I am suppose to go to Burlington this weekend and I simply do not know what to do.
Financially it's quite a trip, food, gas, it adds up. I just don't know.
I already told some of my good friends I was coming and they are looking forward to me coming so I don't want to let them down.
Also Burlington is always an emotional trip for me. I either re-fall in love with the place or cry because it's so hard to be there.

I'm going to sleep on it and decide.

I mean I think there is a big sense of yolo that needs to be brought in here but at the same time I am trying to be rational.

If all else fails I have Bevin

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