Thursday, October 31, 2013

Killing it in life... O wait not at all.

You know when yab is blogging a lot, she's suppose to be doing a lot of homework..........

I am half way done an annotated bibliography and I have one cigarette left and it's 2:00am so lord knows I am not leaving my house because lord knows I am not wearing a bra.

Aaand I just uploaded pictures on facebook... KILLING IT LIFE, o wait Not At All.

I should go to bed but I need to finish this work so I will sit here trying to focus but only focusing on the right moment to smoke my last cig and getting little done.

I am getting really stressed out about my life, even though I really shouldn't be at all.


I just get so emotional this time of month it's, it's, it's IT'S NOT FAIR. 

My conclusions of the night:
I am going to fail out of school, I'm determined to be single forever, and I will never have a job I love. Oh, WHAT ELSE... THE LIST GOES ON.

I am working really hard to be very zen tonight and stay calm but I really just want to FREAK THE FUCK OUT.
I want to cry and be wrapped in my heating pad forever. And like tomorrow is fucking Halloween...
Like I should be really excited about this and I'm not. Halloween is like one of my favorite holidays, not because I get to be a slut but because I get to be a walking joke.
I desperately wanted to be a bag of leaves for halloween, or a loaf of bread or a stop sign, just to see peoples reactions... Like who the fuck is a bag of leaves? Genius.

 Like this is so weirdly amazing...

And tomorrow Rita decided she's coming to Philly, which is amazing, haven't seen my bitch in a hottt minuteeeeeeee but like at the same time. I would rather give out candy. Aka shut the door, turn off the lights and eat as many reese's cups as possible, alone, laughing at children who knock on the door trying to steal my candy. 

Things don't look like they are slowing down any time soon.

LIKE A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO... I HAD... NO LIFE. At ALL. I was crying about not having a life. I was accepting that shit was miserable and not going to get better. NOW I ALL THE SUDDEN HAVE THIS BUSY LIFE... like I did not sign up for this. 

Sometimes it just feels good to complain.

Thanks for listening.
I'd say it's time to kill the last cig.

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