Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanks for saying thanks

[this is a belated post. ]

I love doing posts related to gratuity, as I believe it is very important, so Thanksgiving post are just the best.

Last night at dinner, I initiated for my family to go around the table and say three things we are grateful for. My favorite response was from my four year old cousin saying, in her sweet little voice, "I am grateful for everyone I see." Omg. I die.

I will now tell ya'll FIVE things I am grateful for, because I hold myself to a high standard.

1.) I am grateful for my family and friends.
My family does so much for me on a daily basis, I don't even know where to begin with that. Each member of my family, near or far, makes my life better by being there for me and helping me in anyway I ever need. My friends are simply an extension of my family, and are so special because we weren't born blood related. We had to find each other. I have been so blessed to have incredible friends that have been there for me more than I could have ever asked.

2.) My dogs.
I always say I grateful for my dogs. I just love them so much and they really are the sweetest things I have ever met. My dog Bevin has seen me through my ups and downs, and has been there as I have grown up. She is my best friend. And Jasper is a Babuh.

3.) My sobriety.
I still feel like I am very early on in my sobriety, but I feel like I have learned so much. I am so happy my life is in a managable place. I still have obstacles in my life. Life is not easy, but it's enjoyable and I feel like I can handle things.

4.) I honestly, am really grateful, for my clothes.
I have a shopping problem, yes. But I don't just have a closet and drawers. I have a collection. Each item has been hand picked by me and is an expression of myself. I love my clothes so much. #sorryimnotsorry

5.) My writing.
I don't think I am the worlds greatest writer by any means. But I love that I have a collection of posts, entries, stories, etc., etc. that I can look back and dwell on. Stories about my life, and that I've made up. I like being able to see how different my life was and how I viewed it.
Also every now and again, someone will tell me they really like something I wrote on my blog and that makes me really, really happy.

I am of course, to follow up on that, grateful for my yabbers. The people who read this shit that I write. Like I said, that's pretty cool.

I hope you ate a lot of turkey, and if not, then you stuffed your face with stuffing.

Now it's time to prepare for CHRISTMAS. W0oO00oO0o0o0o0o0o0o

and then New Year's, which is great BECAUSE THERE IS GLITTER LIKE EVERYWHERE!

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