Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Muggy Haze of Summers Past and Present.


(This post was written in June 2014 but not published until July and a lot has changed but bare with me yabbers)

Summer 2014 is a weird time for me.

I have written about summer, a couple of times, including my ode to summer 11. (which literally makes me cry when I read).

Summer has been a pivotal season in my life. My birthday is at the end of August, so that always closes the season nicely. But aside from my birthday going on.... Late May- Early September is always a seriously emotional time.

I have had some of the best and worst times of my life during the summer.
It brings me love and heart break, incredibly good sunny sunny days and flooding thunder storms.

Point and case:

Summer 07- I was an LIT at YMCA Camp Tockwogh- gained leadership skills and life long friend ships. I first tried pot, drank a lot, had my heart broken by a friend and a lover, went on a family road trip.

07 birthed the nickname: Gabgab2000

Summer 08- Was a CIT at camp, which was horrible because I had the worst training by leaders in higher positions, then I became a Junior Counselor and blocked out all of my horrible CIT times. JC was amazing. I learned how to drink like a champ, oh lost my V card... and had some wild times... I learned what the term "fresh meat" was.

Summer 09- Senior week!! I worked at Tockwogh as a counselor (a long awaited position), again drank like a champ and more, made incredible friendships, oh and ya know got fired from my camp for me pants-less and wasted in the middle of the night after a long night out... Got sent to my first alcohol counseling... WENT OFF TO COLLEGE.

1413, G-spot, Seni09 houuuse

1st citation of my life... the 1st of many..

good bye ocean shitty

fsu for life.

Summer 10- had an amazing first month. Learned how amazing the city Buffalo was. Went into my first psychosis... -_-

Summer 11- Ah.mazing. Read the ode.  But incredibly painful and horrible. Questionably fell in love? Moved all over Btv. Wasn't speaking to my mom really. Was a total mess but had more fun than anyone should.

[not including any pictures because you need to look at the ode and get the full experience]

Summer 12- not great. Was in recovery from second psychosis. meh

Summer 13- Second sober summer. Pretty calm to be honest. But learned to love Philly. Went to a music festival sober, had a horrible time which turned into a really fun time. Saw a lot of shows... good times over all, but again pretty calm.

Summer 14- .... Moving into the city....? Already amazing.
[look at last blog post for pictachs]

It's a bizarre time. We grow up learning that from June- August there are little to no responsibilities. As a child this is practically engrained into us. I mean, I'm not saying that's why summer was created, I have no fucking idea how summer was created... I mean I guess it just has to do with the weather...?
But it's a total break from reality.
In Philly it gets so fucking hot, you basically lose touch with reality... I can't imagine even being in the south during these months.

Summer is extremely hazy, weather-wise and in life. All the days run into each other. Kids don't have school, the it's nice out and the days are long.

Adjusting from being a student to a young-real-life-adult can be strugg city. There no longer is that break. You have to manage work and play, and of course, there's so much opportunity and temptation to fuck around it's hard to stay focused on life. AH.

For me it's hard to not want the highs and lows and having to just be content.
I don't get the drama anymore but I don't get the crazy that I chased so hard.
Summer is really fucking hard for me now and being a sober sally. It's an even more serious balancing act than the rest of the year, which is already really fucking difficult.

And let me just tell you... I dont know WHAT IT IS. But as of recently... I CAN NOT DEAL WITH THE HEAT. Fucking throw me in a frozen tundra with a heat lamp and I'd be happy as a clam. But fucking put me in the middle of a Philadelphia, black, paved, street, walking home from god knows where, AND I LITERALLY WANT TO MURDER SOMEONE.
I don't think I ever minded the heat before because I was always near some body of water but O MY LANTA, it's killing me these days. LORD SAVE ME.


But you know mang, summer is chill... except for the fact that it's literally the opposite of chill..

But currently, Summer 2014 (as of July), is really quite amazing and, like I said before, pivotal... so we shall see what happens......

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