Monday, December 29, 2014

The Christmas Hangover.

Once the last present is open you feel it. You dread it. You know it's going to come the minute you hear your first Christmas carol of the season. As I've said it before, I'll say it again... All good things come to an end, including Christmas

The most built up day of the year is December 25th. No other holiday has such a great rise and fall. The holiday season is constantly building and building.
For me, it starts around Thanksgiving. I see holiday sales before the Turkey even hits the table and it pisses me off. Next, decorations come out. Then it's time for shopping and Christmas music is finally acceptable. Before you know it it's the week of Christmas and it has come too fast. With a flash it's all over, wrapping paper a strew everywhere.

I think December 26th is a hard day for a lot of people. They wait all year for the magic of Christmas and poof it's over. That's not to say it's gone in a blink of an eye and the flashest of flashes, but it does sometimes feel that way.

As soon as I start to open presents I get uneasy about the whole thing being over. It's like when I use to do Molly and I would think about my roll ending and have a panic attack. It's terrifying.

My Christmas this year was... well... pretty daaamn awesome. I got everything I wanted/needed and more. From wool socks to a TV and ROKU... YABBA MADE OUT GOOD.
Maybe this is my karma finally coming around.

However, this Christmas felt a little different for me. After I had opened everything and was totally astounded with my turn out, I couldn't help thinking about the students I work with everyday and how their Christmas' were.
It just makes me feel a little helpless, like theres nothing I can do. There's so many of them and I am only one person in one classroom. I can't give them everything they want or need and it makes me feel so small.

But I can be grateful. 

Although this holiday was a little... meh... emotional for me... I wasn't totally on cloud nine the whole time... From my period, to an antibiotic for a cold, and still that broken heart thing, I just wasn't 100%. But I have been more reflective and just feeling so #blessed.

I got to see more family then I usually do and had real quality time with them. I saw every side of my large dysfunctional family over this break. My brother was home from college, I saw my little cousins from my moms side, my uncle was in from LA, and everyone was so pleasant. Being in a holiday funk was luckily treated well by good people.

I also got to see my Reetz, in from Washington state, and spent a lot of time with my Carlita.

And now for New Years.... 

I don't know if you know this, my dear readers, but I do New Years Eve right. Some people think NYE is a stupid holiday, not me. I think it's just amazing.... maybe it's because of all of the Captial G L I TT ER. But I think it's great to celebrate the new year. If you know me, you know I'm all for something new. So bring on 2015. 2014 is over. It's time to celebrate the opportunity for prosperity and growth. To start new.
This New Year's I'm gonna be the sparkliest and kiss boys I don't know and it's gonna be fabulous (fur coat and all).

So order me a bloody, make it a virgin, and let's kick this hangover to the curb, because there's a new year on the way and ya better look sharp.
It's a good thing I don't drink because who has time for hangovers anyway?

*cue broadway musical overture about Gab in New York City*

1 comment:

  1. Less talk about kissing strange boys, and more about that younger brother of yours in college, Yab.
