Monday, January 18, 2016

The Degrees of Single

Warning: Please read this blog in it's entirety because it was written over the course of a week so emotions flip-flop 

Everything in life has varying degrees.

To bake chicken in the oven it's usually 350. However, sometimes it's 400.
Things vary.

Being single varies.

There's like-

"I'm single but I have things cooking in the oven."
When you're single and have a prospect or two but you're just not sure about them.
Or maybe you have your eye on some person and you're in the process of capturing them. Like a carnivorous dinosaur hunting eggs.

There's "I'm single but things are starting coming to boil."
When you're single and going on lots of dates. Very similar to the above option but it's a little different.

There's "Ew. Get away from me." Single. When the thought of another human being in your life disgusts you and you just want to be left the fuck alone.  

There's "I'm single-ish"
When you have an almost-boyfriend/girlfriend but it's not on lock. No deal has been made.

Then there's, "No. I'm single."
When you're really not single but the either you or the person you're in a relationship with won't put a label on it.

And there's "Yas bitch I'm siiiiiiiiiiingle." Where you are a hot mess and you have as much sex as possible and you just flit about life as happy as possible. No slut shaming here, you do your thang. 

And then there's, "I'm so fucking single and I have exasperated every single option out there and I don't know where I will ever meet someone and I will die forever alone."
This is when you get to the point in your single status where you have tried dating, hooked up with a boy you grew up with and practically told them you loved them to absolutely no avail, tried every dating app, and have basically given up on life.

Idk I would say at this point I'm like maybe, sort of.... Definitely the last possibility. Yes, that is me.

But the kicker- the real piece of shit in my pot on the stove, is that I haven't given up.
Because supposedly that is what you have to do.
You have to stop looking.

I currently have four dating apps on my phone. And like go ahead and say pssssh but like fuck you for judging me. It's 2015 2016.
And it just always feel likes maybe, just maybe one more swipe... and there will be the man of my dreams.
But like I'm over it at this point.
but now, in this day and age that is like the norm! People just keep searching through apps and the internet for a man/woman instead of looking up from their computer screen and saying hello to someone on the street.

I just can not. I can't do it anymore.

Someone please tell me, was this based on a book? Because I need a copy, like yesterday.

I think I'm doing this all wrong.

Dating/men have become an outlet for me. I don't want to focus on my life right now. I'm trying as hard as possible to look the fuck away from the car crash that is my life so I don't get run off the road again while looking over my shoulder.

I think it is definitely quite possible I am dealing with some PTSD from 2015.
Too much has happened. I have a dream almost every night of me crying hysterically over my dog Bevin. I cried at Christmas when I got her plaster paw print. I have never cried at Christmas. -_-
And sometimes I just want to freak the fuck out.
I want to flip a table.

Then I calm myself down a little, hit a meeting, get some crystals and realize that, yet again, my life is pretty great.

I am at my core a twisted, tortured artist.
Unfortunately, I know the things I need to do to keep my emotions at bay... And not freak out about my single status. Do I practice them daily? No. Definitely not.

I seriously wonder to myself if it is just me who is constantly asking, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?" or if ever 20something is asking the same question?

I deleted all the dating apps from my phone last week. And you know what? I think I have finally achieved my goal of giving up.
It's not that I don't care.
I just have realized I have so much more to focus on than wasting time swiping through my phone.

It's all about having faith and being happy with yourself.
The law of attraction.

Part of my make up, is that I feel more deeply than most.
Not like when I stub my toe, that I feel just as much as the next person.
But like emotions hit me like a ton of bricks.

Usually when I start a blog post, I feel very differently by the conclusion, and truly... That's why I write.
To clear my head.
And to say all of the things no one else will say.
You know what, despite my quarter-life monthly crisis I'm doing alright.

2016, thus far, has been smooth sailing.

I have good feelings about this year and the future, come what may...

To bake a cake take time, skill, patience and of course the right temperature. 

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