Monday, March 12, 2012

That Time of the Month

Once a month, you will hear me shout this at some point, somewhere around Burlington. Boy beware.

I'm 21 years old and I still fucking hate, and can hardly deal with, my period. 

So here it is folks, the period special.


Men, just go the fuck away, first and foremost. This wasn't meant for you to read and you won't get it anyway.
Don't even fucking think about saying anything negative to me, or anything at all for that matter, about this piece. Cause i'll rip your fucking dick off.  And while were at it- you've probaly been told before, but i'll say it again- don't ever say "are you on your period?"
If you're serious or not I don't give a fuck. It's none of your goddamn business. The second you start bleeding for several days then you can tell me how to live my life, until then... go fuck yourself.

So here it is, my period piece.
How to survive your period. At 20 something. 

What not to do: 
Freak out. Remember that being on your period is not actually real life.

What not to watch:
Ok, so there was the incident. That most of you, especially you avid readers, know about. Watching the movie Like Crazy sent me into a serious tizzy while on my period. Seriously. Just don't.
And I thought that maybe I was ready to embark on this journey again, while I was home this week over break, wrong. I ended up watching Like Crazy with my mom after sushi, facing a bottle of cupcake wine, and then puking it all up while my brother made fun of me. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. Unless you like, emotionally stable, whatever the fuck that means.
Some other no-go's include One Day and Blue Valentine.

What to do:
Get the heating pad out and don't fucking move. If you don't have to do anything, fucking don't. I just try to read and blog and let it all out, figuratively- and literally.

What to watch:
Action, blood, sass, and maybe some sex- since you really can't have any.
All ya need right now.
Drive, you'll feel comfortable, with all the bloooood. And it's fucking amazing, probs to @alishadurgin for getting me on the Drive train. And who doesn't want to watch the sexiest man alive, like, whenever?
the angel movies, cause who doesn't love them, and there sas will match your while perioding, fer sure.

Good and bad foods?
Cosmo lays it all out. It's true though, what you put into your body obviously has major effects on how you feel. So eat shitty, feel even shitter while period-ing.

Ok so while I'm all periody and emotional, check out this adorable blog. The HeartBreak Project.
It's a perfect place to go and read stories to make you cry and get all emotional. It's also a great place to vent.

And just remember:

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