Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hoot Hoot

This week I have made the transition from beaver to owl.
Temple owl that is!
What a hoot.

I just transferred from my dearly beloved Champlain College to Temple University.
Which mean I'm going from a wittle bitty campus of about 2,000 to ... 30,000.

 Quite the change.

Reasons for transferring to Temple University:
1. way less $$$
2. closer to home- living at home
3. apparently bvt is not a "stable enviroment" for me
idk what would make anyone think that...

The school year is just beginning and I'mmm feeling like a freshman when I should be a senior. -_-
This time last year I was leading freshman as an RA, now I'm grouped among them! Ah well, better to be a frosh then an indefinite drop out.

This year has been dramatically different from the last. Somethings good, somethings bad. 20112 still has four months left and I'm still in transit, big time.

Hope ya'll are still along for the ride, that is Fuck Yab.
Because a new chapter certainly has begun...

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