Sunday, September 9, 2012


I'm starting to really miss the parties.

How at the age of 22 do you really know if you have a drinking problem?
Is it blacking out? Because I can't name five of my colleges friends who I haven't seen in a blackout. Is it withdraw? Because I never experienced that. Is it drinking daily? Because last year, when I lived on my own the only thing I did daily was smoke pot, and even that was to the point of nonfunctional.
So how do you know?

I guess encountering the cops several times would be one example. Or getting into fights with friends. Or maybe being hospitalized...

Regardless, I am where I am.

And I'm slowly rebuilding, slowly the key word.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Gab. It seems like a huge ocean of loss....but it's a river with a ripple....and you will be back in a grove. Never underestimate the magnitude of days and nights and years of fun that awaits you. The measurement of time is hard when you are young. Every day seems like a week and the month a year, but when you hit the turning will beg life for one more day and one more year to enjoy the time ...adventures..and friends that will fill your life. Patience is the hardest thing to manage. Step outside, take a deep breath and know that your greatest days are yet to come.
