Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stop, O, Wait a Minute

I tend to jump the gun. Like, planning out things in my head, especially in regards to what people are going to say. I have full on conversations with myself of what I think will happen with someone, somewhere.

Constantly I'm get ahead of myself but I'm learning to value pauses.

Sometimes pauses, especially the awkward ones, make me say the least. It makes the wheels in my head start to churning.
I'm finding that if I just actually pause, and not plan out, it's usually better then getting ahead of myself 

I use to not value the in between because when you're in the middle you can't  alway see above or below clearly. I think that's really important.

It's ok to not know what's going to happen.

You have to live in the moment 
Because you can't see the future, as far as reality goes, and you can never get back the past

I don't want to tell you why I've been thinking about this...
but obviously I'm going to...
It's because I've become addicted to the app tinder. Yup. Lonely girls looking for a man. Not actually, it's just fun to talk to people.
I use to be asked a question, give an answer and not really wait for a response, just immediately ask a question in return.
Now I give a response and wait to see what someone has to say back.

I've also been putting myself out there IRL and talking to new people. When I first started doing this- which was a big step because I was a shut in for a little while- I was very over-conscious of the pauses in between questions and conversation.

But I'm seeing that they are just a part of life.

My dear friend @lissyturner sent me this quote that's super applicable:

"If we want food, we order it online and have it delivered. If we want to listen to our favorite song, we find it on YouTube, iTunes or Spotify. If we want to watch a movie, we either buy it on demand or stream it online. If we want sex, we masturbate. If we want to have a good time, we do drugs. We have this false belief that doing things faster will give us a life more fulfilled — that it will lead to us being happier. But that isn’t the case. Most of us aren’t happier. We do more, but we experience less. We are never in the moment because we are always considering what we will be doing next in order to not become bored.

  • Character is most often built during those moments between activities, during moments of solitude and reflection. Men no longer feel the need to pause and reflect because the options for whatever it is they want are only a click away. The options are endless and therefore we never truly experience disappointment."
    (That's from

Enjoy the pauses because soon they will be over and you will have to deal with what you're dealt. It's ok to not jump the gun, or even be stuck in the middle grown because things are still happening.
In the wise words of +Zachary Allott : Bere here now.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post! though I will say masturbation is probably better than calling up a screw buddy ;), but I see the point! Learning how to be comfortable with the quiet times is key. I realize that I constantly need to fall asleep to hulu or have netflix on in the backgound-- need to break that habit! -Jocellyn
