Monday, June 24, 2013

Time to Let Go.


It takes me a really long time to get over things. I can't help it. I hold on to shit and don't let go.
There is this one particular person that it has taken me a really long time to get over.

One day I had this moment where I thought I was just over it... then a week later I wasn't.
I mean it's not like I didn't move on, I just wasn't fully over it.
Now, I really don't care. 

For a long time I envisioned the timing being right between me and this guy and it being magical and perfect. I don't want that anymore.

I was always scared to confront my feelings about this situation, my friends would say that's total bullshit because I talked about him for a long time. I heard a girl say the other day that she was in love with a guy that didn't love her back. I don't want to feel that way, and I don't think I ever had time to love this person. I just thought about the sort-of relationship for a long time, over thought it- over analyzed. And maybe I was a crazy girl about it, I don't think I was. But I did refuse to let go.

Now, I can happily say I would never want to get back with this guy ever.
Not only saying that, but really feeling that way, opens so many doors. It's like a huge wait off my shoulders actually letting go.

Time to let go. 

If you see my driving around town you will likely hear me singing this song at the top of my lungs:

I just freaking love Miss Lovato. Her latest album is like my crack. I  JUST LOVE GIRL POP MUSIC. Demi helps me to be the Warrior I strive for.

I'd also like to mention Miley Cyrus' new video because it's simply out of control. I mean it's like FuckYab summed up in a music video. I hate Miley Cyrus but this video is so fucking cool.

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